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"Teach us to number our days,

that we may gain a heart of wisdom”

Psalm 90:12

Numbering my days is an interesting concept because I’ve always numbered my life in years. And every January it’s a tradition among Americans to review the previous year and then think about the year ahead with the intention of making some new resolutions. Lose weight, exercise more, learn a new hobby, eat all organic.

In a few days I will turn 54 years old. That’s 19,710 days. Have I gained a heart of wisdom yet? I think I need more time! If I live another 20 years that’s only 7,300 days left, which sounds like a lot. But the point of the verse is to recognize how short my life really is. And in order to learn how to live as God would have me, I need to forget new year’s resolutions and devote myself to daily ones!

Proverbs says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But what does that mean? How do I fear the One I’m learning to love? It makes me think of the sun. As a Northwesterner, I love the sun especially during the cold dark winter when I don’t see it as often as I’d like. The sun is so good! It brings warmth, it makes things grow, it also brings my body much needed vitamin D, the happy hormone. Without the sun there would be no life on our planet. But the sun is not necessarily safe. I must exercise caution when I’m out in its powerful rays otherwise it will hurt me and I will regret my foolishness. In the same way, God is so good but He’s not to be trifled with. Hebrews chapter 12 tells me to be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe because He is a consuming fire.

The only safe way to survive His presence is through the atoning work of Christ by faith with a heart of deep gratitude. If I want to gain a heart of wisdom, I need to approach Him daily and thank Him for who He is, all He’s done and for every gift He gives.

Lord, help me to approach your throne of grace daily with the confidence of your warm welcome. May my lips offer you the thanks and praise you so richly deserve. Thank you for your life giving power that brings warmth, that causes fruit to grow and joy to thrive.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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